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Posts Tagged: sport

Forever21 ACTIVE Makes Me Wanna MOVE
February 16, 2015

Forever21 ACTIVE Makes Me Wanna MOVE

On these winter days, its really important to remember not to abandon your body. So one of the must have things for it, is sports! You can manage doing sport in lots of ways; runs, walks, kickboxing or even shopping! As the legendary Carrie Bradshaw used to say “shopping is my Cardio”. In this post, […]

Crazy Morning with Crazy Line
January 11, 2015

Crazy Morning with Crazy Line

CrazyLine fashion team. Where they introduced their new sport line collection. I was the youngest blogger there, but that didn’t stop me from making a lot of new blogger friends and have a great morning! Each of us got a full look from the collection and we started dancing! I cant say i wasn’t embarrassed… […]

Dandy- Z is home for lifestyle, luxury and fashion in all its ways. This website is about Dana’s journy in the world of fashion and lifestyle as she’s experience it, covering her inspirations, special moments and tips about fashion. Dana Zarmon. Founder of Dandy-Z Fashion Blog, Psychology Student, Fashion Stylist. Passionate about Fashion, Food, Art, Music and the World. Perfecionist about every single detail. My Closet is Messy and My Dreams are Big enough to scare Me. Hope you’ll help me make them a reality. XO dZ