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New York, New York
November 7, 2014

New York, New York

NewYorkNewYork what can i say about you that haven’t already been said?! The city that never rest, the lights that always light you the way, the massive amount of people wandering around the blocks and squares. You can always find your own way in NewYork as well as get completely lost. I immediately felt in […]

Dandy- Z is home for lifestyle, luxury and fashion in all its ways. This website is about Dana’s journy in the world of fashion and lifestyle as she’s experience it, covering her inspirations, special moments and tips about fashion. Dana Zarmon. Founder of Dandy-Z Fashion Blog, Psychology Student, Fashion Stylist. Passionate about Fashion, Food, Art, Music and the World. Perfecionist about every single detail. My Closet is Messy and My Dreams are Big enough to scare Me. Hope you’ll help me make them a reality. XO dZ